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Decide better.

DUET Digital Twins provide virtual city replicas which make it easy to understand the complex interrelation between traffic, air quality, noise and other urban factors. Powerful analytics model the expected impacts of potential change to help you make better evidence-based operational decisions and longer term policy choices.

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Let us Help

We have the know-how you need. Let us help you save time in learning about Digital Twins for Public Sector decision making and direct you to relevant content and outputs from our path-breaking local digital twin initiative, the first of its kind in Europe.

What is a Digital Twin?

A Digital Twin is a new concept consisting of a continuously learning digital copy of real-world assets, systems and processes that can be queried for specific outcomes.


DUETs Digital Twins consume open data and data models from different sources within the city and integrate them with new technology capabilities including High Powered Computing (HPC), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Advanced Analytics  to provide a replica city environment where policy experimentation can safely take place.


By predicting asset behaviour and capacity to deliver on specific outcomes within given parameters and cost constraints, the Digital Twin provides a risk-free experimentation environment to inform policy makers and operations managers what they need to do with the assets in the real-word in order to both achieve the most effective long-term policy outcomes, and short-term operational decisions.

Benefits of a Public Sector Digital Twin

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Improved Operations

Make service decisions based on a unified view of city processes with real-time information and predictive impact simulations

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Increased Value for Money

Experiment with different policy options online, exploring impacts across multiple domains, rather than running multiple costly on-the-ground pilots


Better Citizen Experience

Act quickly and seamlessly on citizen real-time needs and help people understand why certain planning or operational decisions have been made

DUET Digital Twin Maturity Model

Where are you on your Digital Twin journey?  What do you need to consider and why? Explore our Digital Twin Maturity Model to find out more...

Office Meeting

Awareness of Twins

Strategy Phase

Planning to adopt digital twins. Exploration of funding options.

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Experimental Twins

Exploratory Phase

Policy impact predicted using limited static data sets (ofetn with historical data only),


Predictive Twins

Insightful Phase

Advanced data models inform near real-time decisions across 2 or more domains.


Intelligent Twins

Future Ready Phase

AI powered simulations enable accurate predictions for real-time decisions.

Local & Urban Digital Twins: DUET Point of View

Inspiration from Digital Flanders policy makers on how a Digital Twin can support local decision making


First shown to 27 EU Ministers with responsibilities for Digital Transformation at UNPAN meeting, Strasbourg 2022

First peak at the Digital Twins of Flanders, Athens and Pilsen and the benefits they provide urban policy makers


Shown at Smart City Expo and World Congress as DUET collected Enabling Technologies Award, Barcelona 2021

Animated introduction to the DUET ambition and expected impact for public sector Digital Twins 


Created at the start of the DUET project to clearly share aims and approach for achieving Public Sector Digital Twin outcomes 

Cristina Martinez, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Connect

"We are committed to supporting the scaling up of similar solutions (local digital twins) like those developed by DUET to all cities & communities in Europe as they make decision-making processes easier, more inclusive and mindful of the systemic impacts of decisions, especially when they impact social and environmental goals. This is one of the aims of our Smart Cities actions in the DIGITAL EUROPE programme."

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