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Policy Making Outputs
DUET is developed by cities for cities. DUET’s digital twins promote data-driven decision making by building a comprehensive, virtual representation of a city's processes. With the right data points, DUET digital twins provide a business-level view that can be used to measure, analyse and predict operational impact across an entire city or region. This end-to-end, real-time, visibility enables cities to understand what is happening across its multi-disciplinary domains and services. With this knowledge, cities can react quickly to events and simulate alternative policy and operational approaches based on real data, as opposed to making assumptions based on generalized expectations.
Results from DUET that are useful for policy making can be found below.
November 2021:
DUET Local Digital Twin Named Best Enabling Technology at World Smart City Awards
March 2022:
Policy Brief Unlocks Recommendations for Responsible Adoption of Disruptive Public Sector Technology
March 2022:
Policy Brief Unlocks Recommendations for Responsible Adoption of Disruptive Public Sector Technology
March 2022:
Policy Brief Unlocks Recommendations for Responsible Adoption of Disruptive Public Sector Technology
March 2022:
Policy Brief Unlocks Recommendations for Responsible Adoption of Disruptive Public Sector Technology
Digital Twin Book & Publications

The DUET Consortium is working with a number of experts on an official book to be published by Springer Computing on Local Digital Twins.
The book provides an introduction to local digital twins for data-supported decision making, outlining the technology and standards involved in creating twin instances, as well as exploring potential benefits.
The open access book is due for publication in early 2023. To ensure you receive digital access please sign up to DUETs newsletter via the form in the website footer.
Below is a collection of publications produced by DUET partners or jointly by DUET in cooperation with other EU projects from the UnLock cluster and the Data Driven Policy cluster. To see examples of third party sources (books, reports, scientific articles etc.) featuring DUET please consult this list.
Policy Briefs
Policy Brief on Local Digital Twins: Optimising Data, Shaping Policies, Transforming Lives (December 2022)
UnLocking the potential of digital disruption for responsible, sustainable and trusted urban decisions
Journal Publications
DUET: State of the Art. An extra deliverable for the European Commision (November 2022)
Examining travel demand based on OpenStreetMap in the context of urban digital twins (November 2022)
Data Ecosystem Business Models: Value and control in Data Ecosystems (November 2022)
DUET: A Framework for Building Secure and Trusted Digital Twins of Smart Cities - IEEE Internet Computing magazine (July 2022)
Dyntapy: dynamic and static traffic assignmetn in Python - JOSS (September 2022)
Peer reviewed article 'Forging the Future of Responsive Cities Through Local Digital Twins' – published in ERCIM Smart and Circular Cities special edition magazine (Oct 2021)
White paper on Open Urban Digital Twins – insights on the current state of play (May 2021)
Conference paper 'From an Inside-In towards an Outside-Out Urban Digital Twin: Business models and
implementation challenges' - 6th International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities (Sep 2021)
Traffic Modelling for the Smart City of Pilsen - Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.
Conference Papers
Smart Decision Making - Project white paper for distribution to conferences and events (February 2020).
Data Driven Policy Making Cluster Publications
Disruptive technologies accelerating data-driven policymaking in the public sector (November 2022)
Report from the Evidence Based Policymaking in Europe Summit 2021
Co-Creation and Stakeholder Engagement for Evidence-Based Policymaking
Governance Ethics for Evidence-Based Policymaking
Policy Prediction, the Future of Evidence-Based Policymaking?
The Data Driven Policy Cluster Roadmap: Using the European Cloud Infrastructure for Public Administrations