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Digital Twin Maturity Model Exploratory Phase


The next step on the journey is the creation of digital twin capabilities around a defined use case which involves a small number of open data sets across 2 domains (e.g. transport volume and air quality). This approach allows a first foray into the world of predictive modelling, enabling the city to test interoperability. 

Key enablers for this stage include digital capabilities to model and understand data, funding to enable the innovation pilot and the ability to test the digital twin play.


Questions to address at this stage include:  What outcomes/use case needs to be achieved? Is there buy-in from the relevant stakeholders from both domains? Is the data needed available?  What existing analytics  models can be leveraged? What contractual/legal obligations and/or restrictions are there for the data?  Does the data need processing/cleaning/formatting?

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Featured Content

This peer-reviewed paper by IEEE provides a concise overview of what a local digital twin is, the importance of interoperability and how they leverage data for 'what-if' analysis. 




Useful Deliverables from DUET

Legal Aid

Legal Compliance (D1.2):

Easy to understand guide on legal necessities for data-driven policy making

Graphic Shapes

Interaction Frameworks (D3.4):

Models and interaction frameworks which guide the DUET simulations.

On the Phone

User Requirements (D2.3):

Validated future scenarios and final list of user requirements to support tech implementation.

Data Cloud

IoT Stack and API Specs (D3.2):

 Description of IoT stacks from southbound agents until northbound API.



Other Useful Resources



W3C: International standards organisation with a group working towards a Digital Twins Definition Language (DTDL)


OASCGlobal network focused on Minimum Interoperability Standards (MIMs) for tech with geolocation basis..

About the Project

Newsletter and Digital Twin Book Subscription Form


DUET has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.870697.  This website represents the views of the DUET project only.  Read our Terms & Conditions.


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