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Recordings From Evidence Based Policymaking in Europe Summit Now Available

Updated: Jan 25, 2022

On 9th and 10th of December 2021, DUET together with AI4PublicPolicy, Decido, IntelComp

and Policy Cloud co-organised the Evidence Based Policymaking in Europe Summit: 2021 . The aim of the Summit was to help participants explore major digital challenges, trends and opportunities for improving public sector decision making to deliver healthier, happier places to live and work.

Born out of 5 innovation projects the Evidence Based Policymaking in Europe Summit: 2021, focused on relevant use cases data and tools for decision making in key areas of government, including mobility, engagement, climate change and health.

Attended by over 150 people, the first day was dedicated to understanding how city data can be leveraged to help solve specific societal problems. Andrea Halmos from kicked off the event by taking audience on a journey through relevant EU policy and encouraged participants to be part of the declaration on joining forces to boost sustainable digital transformation in cities and communities in the EU. Lieven Raes, the DUET Coordinator, introduced the concept of digital twins and stressed the importance of ensuring the adoption of new technologies are always use case driven. The full plenary session with all speakers, provided by, can be viewed below.

The second day focused on the innovative tools created by the projects for evidence-based policy making. Launched by guest speakers from the Open & Agile Smart Cities network, Engineering and OpenAIRE (see recording below) the day explored the real-life impact generated by the pilot cities in the 5 projects.

DUET featured heavily throughout the two days, and all session recordings, made by are available on this website. For notification of the 2022 Summit please sign up for DUET news in the footer below.

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Dec 24, 2021

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