Unfortunately due to COVID-19 ongoing situation most of the face-to-face events had to find innovative ways to temporarily switch to virtual events at least for the duration of the lockdowns and the pandemic.
European Big Data Value Forum was one of these events that shifted gear and managed to find an opportunity in a problematic situation. With the help of the Whova platform what this team managed to make virtually it is just brilliant and it is not me saying it but the numbers:
1758 Tickets Whova Sold
1253 Announcements Opened
DUET, H2020 project, was a sponsor of this event and we are happy to report that it had 5979 impressions. An impression is when an attendee clicks either on the sponsor banner or navigates to the sponsors customize resources. Each view is counted towards the sponsor impressions total. More numbers and reports for each project can be found on the full report provided by Whova.
On Thursday 5th of November, DUET together with PolicyCloud and Urbanite projects organised a joint Parallel Session on Smart government with co-creating services with the use of AI and Data. The session showcased examples of Smart Government initiatives across Europe that integrate AI, Digital Twins and Big Data solutions. DUET's case was presented by Mr. Lieven Raes from Information Flanders, the coordinator of DUET project.
The material and recordings from most of the EBDVF sessions, including the one where DUET was presented are now available on the event EBDVF webpage.
For more information on DUET project please do not hesitate to follow us on Twitter and join our mailing list to be the first to find out our news.