Earlier this month, our colleagues from Pilsen promoted DUET at two national events: ‘Maps are for everyone’ (Mapy jsou pro každého 2021) and Innovation Pilsen (Inovujeme Plzeň).
‘Maps are for everyone’ was organized by the Vysočina Region and gathered about 130 participants from across the Czech Republic. Main stakeholders represented were cities, regional authorities, national ministries and agencies, infrastructure managers, technology companies, GIS specialists, universities and traffic companies.
Representing Pilsen at the event was Stanislav Štangl of SITMP. He showcased the city’s journey through EU Horizon 2020 projects PoliVisu and DUET, and explained how this experienced contributed to the implementation of Pilsen’s policy on better urban mobility and the wider Smart City Strategy. Participants were particularly interested to learn how the use of local digital twin can help Pilsen solve its urban challenges related to traffic, air and noise pollution.

Figure 1. A digital twin simulation comparing traffic before and after the road closure
Innovation Pilsen showcases the city’s achievements in research and technology, and is the third such event organized by the municipality. Partners from InnoConnect and Plan4All had a booth on-site. Passers-by included a lot of young people who had a chance to cast themselves as policy makers and simulate planning decisions in the digital twin to make their city better.

Figure 2. Students shown how to use digital twins for policy making